What is the Prince2 Foundation?
The PRINCE2 Foundation qualification is the first of two PRINCE2 qualifications required to become a Registered PRINCE2 Practitioner.
Why You Should Get Prince2 Foundation Certification?
The PRINCE2 Foundation examination is aiming to measure whether a candidate would be able to act as an informed member of a project management team using the PRINCE2 methodology within a project environment supporting PRINCE2.
To this end they need to show they understand the principles and terminology of the method, specifically, candidates must be able to:
- Describe the purpose and major content of all roles, the seven principles, the seven themes and the seven processes
- State which management products are input to, and output from the seven processes
- State the main purpose, and key contents, of the major management products
- State the relationships between processes, deliverables, roles and the management dimensions of a project.
- New and experienced project staff
- Consultants/contract staff operating in a PRINCE2 environment
- Project Managers
- Programme Managers
- Team Managers and support staff
- Staff who will have a defined role within a project team operating in a PRINCE2 environment.
Exams and Trainings
Required exam Recommended training
PRINCE2 Foundation Exam PRINCE2 Foundation Training